Thursday 25 October 2012

Affordable Business Apps

"Sheffield Mobile Marketing"

Why You Should Use Mobile Marketing With A Mobile Web Site And Business Apps

 Is your Sheffield business in the 82% of businesses that have still not got a mobile friendly web site?

According to a recent survey by Google 82% of businesses still don't have a mobile web site and are not using mobile marketing
  • 44% of their target audience own a smartphone
  • The number of smartphones and tablets will outnumber humans by the end of 2012
  •  By the end of 2013 more people will be accessing the internet by mobile devices than conventional computers
  • 9 out of 10 local searches lead to action and 50% of them a purchase
  •  There are currently 23 million smartphones in the UK – which is almost 50% of all mobile phones

 If your mobile web site is not optimized for mobile devices anyone landing your web site will find the pages take too long to load.  When the pages do load the formatting will be wrong and difficult to view, so the visitor gets a bad user experience and leaves the site.

So why do businesses spend time and money promoting their business and neglect to have a site that can be viewed by an increasing number of people who access the internet by a mobile device.  You need to ask yourself what message is that conveying to mobile device users, that you possibly don't value their business? or that you are a company slow to respond to modern technology?

It is difficult for small businesses in Sheffield to keep abreast of  some of the new technology involved with internet marketing or possibly the concept of mobile marketing in Sheffield.  But there is an easier solution from Global BizznessApps who provide a system to build your own mobile web site with business apps. Take a couple of minutes to watch this video showing some of the features.

Clients pay a small monthly fee to use the system that was built especially for small business owners and is very simple to use and requires no programming expertise.  Clients use a content management system to build their mobile web site and business apps. There is an app giving clients free unlimited SMS text messaging which is a highly effective marketing tool.
"Sheffield Mobile Marketing And Business Apps"

Global BizznessApps provide online training manuals and video tutorials and regular training webinars and there is a technical help desk.  For those clients that don't want to build their site or don't have the time Global BizznessApps provide the service of building it for them.